Saying all that, this code isn't even used in Dada Mail - it actually has it's own email-validity check, which is located in dada/DADA/App/Guts pm and looks sort of like this:
Thank you! Helps to know I was looking in the wrong place
sub check_for_valid_email {
That looks much more reasonable
even though is incredibly complex in how it does, what it does was written by someone much much much smarter than me and has been peer reviewed by people just as smart as him - so much so, that it's been published in book-form, and the book is on its second edition
I'm not enough of a Perl expert to comment on the quality of that book's example code However, I'm a C++ expert and have professionally reviewed many C++ books or taught college classes using them They're a disaster Nobody should presume that code in books is best practices or even of mediocre quality regardless of how many editions it's been through Plenty of C++ code examples in books wouldn't even compile
The peer review process, whether books or research papers, does not normally include checking the experimental results When I was reviewing books I was often the only reviewer who checked the code Publishers don't expect that because they don't pay reviewers enough to justify such work
I hope I addressed most of these concerns, but I do disagree with almost everything you say in these statements :)
Are we in any disagreement except possibly that I think you're smarter than you do? If you were a little smarter you'd recognize you're a lot smarter than somebody who wrote a misguided book ;-)
In fact, your argument was, "I don't like how you do things, so change it ", which isn't really moving me and isn't how I operate
I'm sure I never said that It's not an accurate quote If you think you're paraphrasing me I'm sorry I gave such a bad first impression
All I wanted was enough guidance that I could try to take a whack at it, help you have now provided Appreciate your time!
Thank you,
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