Heya everyone,
Along with the other changes, I'm also going to introduce a feature
to the alternative URL's you can use to redirect to in the
subscription process
These options are located in the "Mailing List
Options" screen - you'll see verbiage like, "If the first step of the
double opt-in is successful (and a confirmation email is on its way),
redirect to this URL: "
You'll now be able to redirect to the URL, and also supply a query
string, which will hold things like the email address, any errors
encountered - things like that
This will help with people who want to have custom error reports, but
don't want to delve into the DADA::App:Errors modules and change the
code inline
Should be a nice, welcomed little feature
I'm hoping to get my own Dada Mail up (again) ASAP
Haven't heard
back from my awesome web hosting company yet;
Start a new thread, email: dadadev@dadamailproject.com
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