Hello All,
As you might have noticed, I've turned off access to:
(It's again up, may go down again soon)
This is because, as my webhost reports, Dada Mail is taking up too
many resources on the server
I've been working pretty darn hard
trying to get Dada Mail optimized to use less resources
There's also
been reports since we changed to the HTML::Template templates that
screens appear to draw slow and the entire interface is generally
No good
So, here's some things I've been working on:
(old stuff - 2 10 5+)
(new stuff)
Created a reusable program-wide SQL handle
This should greatly reduce the amount of connections to the SQL
For example, if a Dada Mail install has four lists, the default
screen of Dada Mail would make 4 connections to the SQL db - no good!
Dada Mail will now only make 1 connection to the SQL server -yeah!
Created a cache for screens created by Dada Mail that do not change
frequently -
These screens include:
* The default screen
* The admin screen
* The list screen
* Every archive screen
* atom/rss feed screens
This should also greatly reduce both the connections to the SQL
server (if the screen is cached, NO connection would be needed)
and the amount of CPU time needed by Dada Mail to render the pages
Things like parsing the saved email templates take a lot of juice to
Since these screens could be pre-rendered, the only thing Dada
Mail would do is fetch the data from a file and present it to the
Now that this is in place, it seems amazingly wasteful how I
was doing this before
So, all these changes are Good Things - the Caching Scheme is an
option you can turn on/off - having it off will make the program run
exactly it did before
The shared SQL handle is just a smarter way of
doing things
What I think was happening in my case was that I was
flooding the SQL server with connection requests, and the program was
just hanging waiting for them
I'm currently testing these new features and once all the kinks are
out, I'll release is as 2
I really really want to get going
on to some more interesting features in Dada Mail, but I need to also
make sure Dada Mail continues to be a good server citizen
example, the default screen in Dada Mail:
Snaps almost immediately, instead of having to wait for the page to
load up
A pretty noticeable difference
I'm excited
Start a new thread, email: dadadev@dadamailproject.com
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