The advantage was that I could absolutely easy "grep" out those who
did not get the mailing and repeat or whatever from the new text file
That's a good point -
(I think) sometimes mailings fail when one address causes problems
It would be easy enough to keep track of these addresses and let the
list owner do something about them
I did good progress on the auto-pickup feature yesterday:
If anyone takes a peak at the current bulk_send subroutine in DADA/
pm, you'll see it's an abominable mess - it works, but it's
not very well designed, and hasn't been something I've rewritten
totally in a very long time
So that's one thing I'm doing now
At the moment, a mailout now has
some good metadata associated with it: the raw message, a counter on
where in the mailing we're at, a copy of the subscription list (as
The good thing about this is its saved on disk, so if
something stops the mailing, the entire thing can just be reloaded
and start from where it left off
The other cool thing is that the
entire system works exactly as before, so if you're used to how it's
been, there's few surprises
I'm going to try to get the monitor part of this up - which will
allow you to see where your mailout is through your list, the last
time a message was sent, which batch it's on - things like that
also put in an easy way to pause/kill a mailing, which will make Dada
Mail much friendlier
Good things
This feature will work the same regardless of if you
have an announce only list, a discussion list, or multiple fields :)
Everyone will benefit, and is sort of the reason I want to get it out
the door before I work on multiple fields
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