Re: A bug in dada Mail discussion list: unsuscribed users mailed again and again...

From: "Michael Havlicek" <michal7@PROTECTED>
Date: December 22nd 2005

Dear Manfred,

1) your discussion list stops to work (what exactly happens?) 2) it stops "from the list owner address" (from his/her IP, or what do you mean?) It means that I am able to send mail via the web to the mailing list but I try desperately to send mail from my mailer to the list and it don't work Yes I will give you more details on my configuration The list owner email which figures in the "change list information panel" is: ahuri@tele2 fr In the same panel again" ahuri@tele2 fr" is the list administrator address In the "discussion list" plugins I have choosed have a original to the message forwarded to ahuri@tele2 fr And finally the "list email" is: list administrator@tele2 fr So as explained in the golden book the owner mail and the administrator mail is different from the list email which is: list administrator@tele2 fr

So yersteday I have tried to send a message to the discussion list using my mail of ahuri@tele2 fr as usual One day before it worked as usual since I installed the new version of the software but didn't trash the dada_files files I have set a cron job on my server for checking the mail every second So I tried this five times and I only received a copy of the mail on my ahuri@tele2 fr address but the mail was not send to the list I have set michal7@tele2 fr as the list moderator so I tried 2 or 3 times to send mail using this address Again I received a copy of the mail to this address but nothing was send to the list I opened the administrative panel of dada mail and looked at the logs and nothing was sent I checked my cron jobs (this was stupid as the cron jobs worked a day before) and nothing was changed in the meantime so obviously the cron job was correct

3) it works suddenly (the same list, without any trigger???) No it works with a trigger and I will explain this So I was desperate something was wrong I went to my administrative panel and checked if everything was OK and I saved again all the configurations without changing it This time I tried to send a message using the moderator address: michal7@tele2 fr SUDDENLY it worked and I received both a copy of the original mail and the copy of message to the list with in addition a finishing mailing message I noticed in this finishing mailing message that the last address was the address of one person which unsubscribed very angrily some days ago I went ago to the administrative panel and noticed that I didn't choosed to receive a finishing mailing message and that there was not the word pid in the logs This glogal message to all the list didn't figure in the logs and I didn't choose to receive a finishing mailing message in the administrative panel BUT despite the logs this message was really sent to unsbscribed users and a few hours later I was forced to install an automatic responder on Mail (my mailer) because the message were so angry so insulting from one user that I choosed to set a rule to trash them all and to respond politely and automaticaly please don't mail me anymore all your message are responded automaticaly and automaticaly trashed

Yes this is the second time it happens for the same persons which unsubscribed so every body thinks that I am willingly spaming them and subscribing them again and again LOL!

4) it mails unsubscribed users if you look into the dada_files folder, there is a set of files for every mailing list you maintain, e g name_of_my_list list - do the unsubscribed email adresses remain in this list? Please check by subscribing and unsubscribing yourself with a second email address as a test

Yes so I remove michal7@tele2 fr from the moderators list via the control panel and I am going to my web page to subscribe myself via my web page to reproduce exactly the same conditions I receive the confirmation mail I respond it so I am now subscribed Now I unsubscribe myself from the list via the confirmation message a receive a second confirmation message and I unsbscribe myself Now I open BBEdit and I choose open from ftp I go to the dada_files directory and I open the lists folder then the litterature list file: No I am no more subscribed! I open the litterature moderators file: No I am no more subscribed!

5) are you sure that your hosting system has the correct permissions set on your dada_file folder? No and that's probably the bug I see now that I have set the octal permission of 0777 on the dada_mail folder so now I am changing it to the octal permission of 0664 Yes this folder is and was everytime outside the public html directory

Many thanks in advance for helping me!

Michael Havlicek Le 22 d�c 05, � 09:45, Manfred Lechner a �crit :


Dear Michael,

from your message, please explain your complaint in a more technical way: what exactlx hsppens when you say 1) your discussion list stops to work (what exactly happens?) 2) it stops "from the list owner address" (from his/her IP, or what do you mean?) 3) it works suddenly (the same list, without any trigger???) 4) it mails unsubscribed users if you look into the dada_files folder, there is a set of files for every mailing list you maintain, e g name_of_my_list list - do the unsubscribed email adresses remain in this list? Please check by subscribing and unsubscribing yourself with a second email address as a test 5) are you sure that your hosting system has the correct permissions set on your dada_file folder? I can see you wrote it with a dot in the beginning, for making it invisible Better put this file outside the public html directory instead of naming it " dada_files" OK so, more explainations for the experts, please :-)



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