Hey all,
I'm a little behind on the release schedule, because I want to also
announce a project to get multiple fields in Dada Mail sometime this
It's fairly apparent that:
So, I'm whipping up a proposal on what I think is a good starting
point for the multiple fields feature and am going to start
collecting funds via the http://fundable
org project, since it's
exactly what I'm looking for: it has a feature that if the goal is
not met, everyone gets their money back
If this works, I don't see why we can't have one project, like the
multiple fields project, going at one time
I think everyone wins in
this situation :) I could think of a boat-load of projects, including:
Better mass-sending routines - auto pickup of dropped mailouts,
better reporting on what the problem may be, etc
Bounce Handler that works on a points-based system: one hard bounce
= 5 points, one soft (mailbox full, for instance) 1 point, 10 points
to get auto-unsub'd,
Fleshing out dada_bridge
Rewriting the digest to actually work with one list, instead of two,
Mambo/Joomla/[insert popular CMS here] integration
and many others :)
This is the rough draft of the proposal
Feel free to comment on
I would like to start out with KISS and then have more bells and
Dada Mail and Multiple Fields
The #1 Requested featured in Dada Mail is the support of multiple
The problem:
Currently, Dada Mail only supports the saving of an email address in
its subscription database
This makes things very simple, but has
become quite limiting on what you can do with the program
Three scenarios:
Scenario #1
You may want to personalize an email message, so as to make it seem
you're talking to the subscriber personally
For example:
Dear [first_name],
I hear you like [favorite_food]! Well, at my store we have
many different varieties of [favorite_food]! We're going to
be having special cooking workshops coming to: [city],
[state] and would like to know if you're interested in
attending these workshops
As always, they're free and you
will receive many interesting cooking tips and recipies for,
[favorite_food] Please see http://example
to RSVP your attendence
Scenario #2
You are in a rock and roll band
You are awesome
You would like to
announce your impending arrival on your tour dates - but only right
before you visit each city on your tour
Common sense tells you that
emailing out an announcement every day would anger everyone that's
not seeing you
If you had the option to only email out people living
in, say, New York City one day and Philadelphia the next day,
everyone would be happier
Scenario #3
You are a starving artist
You use email list software to announce
most of your shows
For very special dates, you like to have a
physical mailout in postcard form
You'd like to keep track both
email address and physical address
These three (simplified) scenarios above would benifit GREATLY from
the use of multiple fields
Customizing These Multiple Fields:
There will need to be a new screen in Dada Mail's control panel that
will let you add/edit/remove fields
I propose that this be as simple
as possible, mainly that the only thing you can set when adding a
field is the name of the field itself
The field could then contain
any kind of information you'd like
I propose the program also be equipped to create the HTML
subscription form code you'll need to use with Dada Mail - It will be
bare-bones, but you can tweak the HTML form code in a real HTML
editor to your liking - for example, if you want a form widget to be
changed from a simple text box to a radio button group who's values
are, 1 or 0, you can easily edit this yourself
All fields, except the email address, can be marked optional/required
At the moment, fields will not be set by type - meaning, a field will
NOT know if it is a zip code, or a phone number, or a Sir Name
may be added later
Using The Multiple Fields:
E-mail announcements and newsletters can then be sent selectively
depending on the subscription options selected at the time of
This can be done in the, "Send a List Message" screen by simply
having a new part of the form specifically for the new fields - each
field will have a labeled text box next to it that you can enter your
search terms into
If the search terms matches the subscriber's information, the
subscriber will be sent the newsletter message
It may be a good idea
to have a preview window, so you can see exactly who's getting the
It may also be a good idea to have simple options by each
form so you can do a little more of a fuzzy search - for example, if
one of the fields is a zip code, it would be nice to have a option to
have a, "starts with" option you can check, so, "802" would match,
"80205" but not, "06802"
Currently, sophistocated geo-spatial
searches will not be supported - meaning, you will not be able to
say, "send to everyone 10 miles from Denver, Colorado
All subscriber information can be exported to a delimited text file
(Tab, CSV)for use in Microsoft Excel or another database program
This same format can be used to import information into Dada Mail
New Subscribers can enter the information required in a form with all
the fields that need to be filled out - once they filled it out, Dada
Mail will handle the form and make sure all the fields are correctly
filled out -
* If they're not, Dada Mail will say exactly which fields need
to be changed and present the form again to be amended
This will
repeat until the form is filled out correctly
* If they are filled out correctly, Dada Mail will either send a
confirmation email if one is needed, or just subscribe the email if
none is needed
* The confirmation process will work exactly as before
I am hoping to raise an amount of: $1500 to cover my time creating
this project
This number is indeed low for implementing such a
feature in a program
My goal is not to gouge the users of Dada Mail,
but to be realistic that such a feature will take much time and
resources and to admit that I, personally, do not have these
resources to cover this feature myself - ie: I have to eat, too! I
stand by my track record of releasing Dada Mail for 6 years free and
continuing to support and develop the program to its current state
Fundraising will take Six Weeks, or until the necessary amount is
I'm hoping that a working implementation in beta form will
be released for public use in six weeks after the start of such a
This modified version of Dada Mail will be available to all, for
free, under the terms of the GNU General Public License - the same
license that Dada Mail is currently covered under
The Multiple Field feature will only work if you set up Dada Mail
using one of the SQL backends - either Postgres or MySQL - it will
not work with a PlainText backend
If your hosting account supports
an SQL database, you should be fine - the majority now do (not so
when Dada Mail was first developed!)
So, that's what I've been working on and we're going to start once
the new release is out!
Start a new thread, email: dadadev@dadamailproject.com
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