Re: IE 5/Mac Template Breakage/body{} q's

From: "Shane Clintberg" <shaneclintberg@PROTECTED>
Date: September 2nd 2005
Well, I should have known that the "overflow:hidden" float-clearing trick that folks were raving about at:
was too good to be true. If the Tantek box model hack has taught me anything, it's that CSS cross-browser hacks must look really ugly and intimidating, and be difficult to understand. <sigh>
That said: Manfred, I'm very glad you're helping on the OS9 end and that we're discovering these things *before* the stable release!
...First things first:
> the above looks good in MSIE 5.17 in any MacOS [...]
> but the box around ".: Dada Mail :: Sign Up for a List :: "
> is bigger than it should be.
By "bigger", do you mean that both the header and the content below it are *wider* than they were in 2.9.2? If so, that's a good thing, because this is actually the correct behavior (which IE got wrong in 2.9.2!). For details, see:
In this screenshot, the top image, with a total width of 592 pixels, is the width that both the header and content underneath are *supposed* to be, at least according to Justin's original design.
...Okay, so let's try something different for our float clearing that won't hide any of the header copy like Manfred's last screenshots showed. Because we're now dealing with a new problem that will affect *all* browsers and platforms, I'll welcome wider testing than just OS9....
Float Clearing Testfix A:
Uses the float clearing hack at: , and leaves the HTML unchanged.
Known to work in:
Float Clearing Testfix B:
Just like testfix A, but minus one rule that I'm convinced -- convinced, I tell you!! -- we don't need.
Known to work in:
Float Clearing Testfix C:
The W3C-recommended hack that's just as ugly as the ones above, but ugly in a different way. For this fix we have to add an extra:
<div class="spacer"></div>
to the HTML, in both default_list_template and default_admin_template. (I was really trying to avoid this....)
Known to work in:
So, it's weird to be asking this again, but because Santa isn't delivering me a Mac any time soon...
I'd appreciate browser testing of the above three testfixes from any and all Mac OS/browser combinations. [And if you'd like to test for Opera/Win and Netscape/Win, which I never seem to get around to installing, that would be great, too! :-) ]
(P.S. - I know this testing process is starting to look ugly, but we're close to the end, I promise!)
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