Re: body{} q's (was: IE 5/Mac Template Breakage/body{} q's)

From: "Shane Clintberg" <shaneclintberg@PROTECTED>
Date: September 2nd 2005

Because so few people at the moment choose to "embed" Dada Mail as http://www skazat com/cgi-bin/dada/mail cgi does,

What are you figures? :)

Sorry -- I must have misinterpreted one of your earlier responses to my question on this

and because those that do are undoubtedly already aware of the potential for stylesheet conflicts

Yup: that's undoubtedly a stupid assumption on my part

What we have today is an good improvement over the 2 9 series, but to say it's not important is not correct

Yikes, did those mistakes actually add up to me implying that customization wasn't important? [Or was it the authoritative tone I used when saying that further work on the program's "embeddability" wasn't mission-critical before 2 10 stable, which I believe you agree on -- to wit: "if I had a few beers today, I'd release it as a stable release"?]

Because I obviously believe quite the opposite, as I hope my actions to date have shown -- if I didn't think customization mattered, I surely wouldn't be going through all the trouble of the CSS-customization work I've done so far :-)

Sorry for the confusion there, however it happened I'm sure we're all on the same page, here [But I'm re-learning yet again that I should either write slowly and carefully or not at all ]

FWIW, here's a bit of a brain dump on how I imagine the "embeddability" could be further improved, as I mentioned in passing eariler:

1) Move some or all rules from body#Dada into #PageWrapper, and from body#DadaAdmin to #AdminPageWrapper This should resolve any remaining conflicts, once and for all

2) Adjust for the fallout from (1), so any layout weirdnesses it creates gets back to normal for all browsers

3) Make sure every element that Dada Mail uses has a defined style in default_css css (the

element is the main culprit here, though there are probably others) so no outside style rules will "sneak in" to Dada Mail screens with nothing to counteract them

4) And then make every generalized default_css css ruleset more specific, so that default_css css becomes both "bullet-proof" [no outside stylesheet rules will override it unless specifically written to do so]; and also "leak-proof" [no default_css css rules will affect anything else on the page, because they'll target only Dada Mail]

I started toying around with this over the past week or two but didn't get past step 2, because the margins & paddings in particular have some weird side-effects And step 4 may substantially enlarge (and/or complicate, at least for newbies) the stylesheet, which is why I suggested (based merely on a preliminary, educated guess!) that it might best be offered, once ready, as an alternative stylesheet rather than the default

If anyone else feels they'd like to attempt (or at least begin) this work before 2 10 stable is released, or would like to help out further down the road, or if you can think of an easier way of doing it than this, or if you think I might be trying to make things too robust, or love the idea, or would simply like to discuss it further, please do expand upon or critique what I've included above I certainly didn't mean to preclude other input, assistance or discussion by my earlier, hastily/sloppily articulated thoughts on the matter

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