A quick validation note: when writing multiple values into URLs as
above, ampersands (&) should be escaped (&) [The same is not true if
typing them in a plain text message or into your browser's location bar;
this only applies to (X)HTML ]
You're correct, although it seems that at least in Moz, it still
creates the old style way - check out what's in the address bar when
you submit something to google:
I think this is because there's some old, badly written scripts that
still follow the old style and don't know how to work with the new
It's probably an example of how a sort of badly executed idea
is sort of stuck in being around for a long time
Just thought I'd mention it while it was fresh in my head, though,
because apparently it makes (X)HTML validators cranky: http://www htmlhelp com/tools/validator/problems html#amp
That it does
I wanted to bring up another thing about this bug, as a educational
The problem was because of some HTML code that was embedded in the
Perl code itself - not in the HTML::Template templates
This probably
made it very difficult to, "spot" and thus, it didn't get fixed for,
well, months
This seems to be a good example of why the HTML
templates are a GOOD thing and outweigh some of the cons: the main
one being a performance hit
Shane's been able to fix up the (X)HTML in the program to such a
large degree, because it's all been template'd out
If he tried to do
this with the embedded HTML, it would have been absolutely
If Shane even looked at the source code of 2
cgi, he'd probably run in terror
So, saying this, I've fixed the problem and I'm going to move this
screen into it's own template,
so as never to happen again :)
Thanks everyone for your help! Some great community teamwork
Justin Simoni
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