Re: CSS-friendly templates in Dada Mail 2.10, part 2: things fixed along the way

From: "Shane Clintberg" <shaneclintberg@PROTECTED>
Date: August 29th 2005

Using /nested/ div's seems to be a throwback to nested tables

Thank you, sincerely, for your "philiosophical" preamble on this, Justin Something was really bothering me about "Option #1", and the above comment of yours, plus:

There's going to be another group of people who are going to change the layout/design of their lists using the list template function

, have helped clarify what that nagging little voice was worried about Namely:

After the config file, the default list template is probably the second "under-the-hood" bit of Dada Mail that new users will see (due to its prominence in the control panel's "edit template" page) and keeping it as uncomplicated as possible should be paramount, to help keep the program as simple/user-friendly as it is

Option 1 does not do that

Sure, it may allow for some "Zen Garden-like" flexibility for advanced users, but I don't think that's worth confusing newbies for, and at the moment, the advanced-user benefits are purely hypothetical anyhow (Even I haven't tried whipping up an alternative stylesheet for it yet ) (And more to the point, I now realize that many of the nested-div tricks that the Zen Garden uses also require images, and if Dada Mail does ever include one or more alternative styles, requiring images for them is a poor idea [because of the bloat for people who don't use them, the increased likelihood that someone uploading everything in ascii will run into problems, and, most importantly, the fact that it would make people less likely to further customize things themselves] )

Unlike [most of] the other divs & spans I've added in to make things more customization-friendly, redundantly nested divs do not help section or subsection things any better than they were before For an example, just look at "Bug #1": having #AdminContentWrapper around #AdminContent did help solve an IE bug that was otherwise unsolvable, but as far as "grouping things meaningfully" is concerned, it certainly didn't add anything that

AdminContent didn't already do

So, thanks for the vote of support for my original choice, J , but it's the hesitations you mentioned that have clarified the latent concerns I had about it myself Essentially, the "cons" I listed for Option 1 were not theoretical -- redundantly-nested divs do offend my ever-so-delicate aesthetic sensibilities and now I have a clearer idea of why

So, based on all of the above, and under the same understanding that:

if it doesn't work out, we'll try something new - won't be the first time Or the 100th :)

, I think it will actually be best to go for Option 2, the CSS box model hacks, at least for now I'll be sure to comment them in a helpful and newbie-friendly way, as I've been trying to do with any other hacks used in there

Sorry to have wavered on this, but like I said, I appreciate the depth of your feedback It has really helped clarify my thoughts on the matter

I'll make these changes right away, so you can put the next release together post haste


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