As we've since discussed on this list, I'll make sure to
communicate better about where I'm at, so Justin has the info he needs to coordinate
things In the meantime: seriously, J, you can stop trying to butter me up
now! Alright? Not only is it /particularly/ embarrassing under the
circumstances described above but it's also quite undeserved
back to work! Get
me some coffee! Hmm
that doesn't work - I need an intern 'round here
And after that "last" bug is squashed, I'm considering my CSS work
on 2 10 0 complete (new bug discoveries notwithstanding, of course), and will
welcome the roll-up to rc1/beta2/whatever-it's-called whenever you think is
best, Justin
Alright - well this current release schedule is sort of odd because
I'm really pushing to get it out the door, so consider wrapping up
what you have now and we'll release one more beta, and about one
Release Candidate in short succession
In fact, as soon as you're
done, let me know and I'll release a new beta
It's very dangerous to have too shallow of a dev cycle, because bugs
will come up
I've basically stopped what I've done and just fixing
the trickle of bugs that are coming in - which is perfect
working on some Magicbook stuff in the meantime to coincide the
release of 2
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