Justin, are you one of only a few who "intermingles" Dada Mail with your other site content/design in this way? or (to your knowledge)
is it quite common?
I'd like it to much more common
It's my hope to be able to have Dada
Mail blend into an already existing site and extend the site's
functionality and content without having it look like, well, a
program you've installed
The default looks is fine I guess - the
goal is to make it simple and somewhat bare bones, perhaps to entice
someone to change it
I mean, it is an option for each and every list
I have a nice solution to the problem you describe, but the exact
details -- as they apply to the default Dada Mail stylesheet, anyway -- will
depend on how the majority of end-users like to customize the program
Hmm, well basically I hope that any changes to the design/layout of
anything is on the Dada Mail side of things, and not a design/layout
change that has to do with the site's design
Basically, people
aren't going to change how their entire website is laid out, designed
and functioning to accommodate Dada Mail
Justin Simoni
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