The point is, it's always nice to work with JavaScript if you can, because even tech-savvy admins might like or need to access the admin area without JavaScript now and then
The question is then: Is this an edge case worth considering
supporting in Dada Mail? That's up to you
That's a good point Mark
Many JS-tricked out web apps have a bare-
bones version that gives most of the facilities that they whiz-bang
For example, Google's Gmail has a "standard" and "basic" view
Dada Mail doesn't - nor does Dada Mail have a interactive shell-type
application, which would be a nice project/wish list thing
It would
also force most, if not all the Business Logic out of mail
cgi and
into somewhere that can be accessed by more helper apps
Saying that, I want to leave open the possibility to use Dada Mail
has a ground to experiment with any kinds of tricks and new methods
of web apps, web design, what have you
I do think that good design
in these areas does involve making sure that the lowest common
denominator of environments still has at least a similar
functionality to the FlavorOfTheMonth method
So, back to the list switch widget - can some one whip up some code
that will allow the onSubmit select box to work if JS is enabled, but
show a submit button if no JS is available? And be standards
compliant? If someone can, I can work with that and place it into
Dada Mail, where ever it needs to go; If we're targeting the submit
button to be used on constrictive environments like text-based
browsers, or perhaps a handheld PDA, I don't think pixel perfect
layout is absolutely necessary
Justin Simoni
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