Re: some suggestions/improvements for Dada

From: "Shane Clintberg" <shaneclintberg@PROTECTED>
Date: August 23rd 2005

What do you think about these changes? Your comments are welcome

Without going into detail on each of the ideas you proposed, let me just say that this is wonderful stuff! Even if you hadn't provided the specific coding solutions -- which of course make things dead simple for Justin, myself, or others to go in and change -- your consideration of the program's usability issues and the best solutions for those problems is excellent

(N B : And having said that, I'm embarrassed to realize that I haven't yet given a shout-out to Alfred, whose recent alpha-testing comments on this list have provided a similar usability review that Justin and I, each with our little "pet projects," haven't been looking at as closely as we should :-) So I hope you'll excuse my doing so parenthetically, but, thanks, Alfred! :-D )

Okay, I'll go into just one detail, but this is more of a tangent from one of the suggestions than a comment about the suggestion, per se:

Your third improvement -- the button-less list switcher -- will render that dropdown menu unusable if JavaScript is disabled And although I'm still pretty new to the program, I'm noticing that several other control-panel functions require JavaScript also which is why I added an explicit statement of its necessity (alongside the cookies-enabled requirement) to the admin login page

For regular old webpages, one of the common "best practices" has been to ensure that JavaScript functionality is always optional, and that everything will still work -- although perhaps not as prettily or conveniently -- without it But that guideline should probably NOT apply to a complex application like Dada Mail, because it could too-severely limit the possibilities for the web app's function

In practice, I think it's reasonable to assume that all Dada Mail administrators will have JavaScript enabled or will at least know how to do so Wouldn't you agree? If so, then there's no problem with the button-less list-switcher dropdown as you've proposed it, or with any of the other JavaScript-dependent functions currently in the control panel (And of course, I empathize with this sort of "laziness," so it's no surprise that I love the button-less idea!)

It's got me thinking, though: To be safe, we should actually code in that JS requirement by (politely) disallowing admins without JavaScript-enabled browsers into their own control panels

Normally, I do this with a quick-and-easy fork in the link to a JS-required page:

Click here to proceed

But I've never done it before with a form input button to a cgi script

Can someone familiar enough with mail cgi do the heavy lifting on this for me? I hate to be the one adding things to the TODO list rather than taking them off, but this one's bit too far out of my current level of expertise to do myself I'll even write the "please enable JavaScript before proceeding" error messages into "list_login_form tmpl", "list_popup_login_form tmpl", and "text_box_login_form tmpl", if it'll make things any easier! :-)

P S - There's no great urgency to have this in the next alpha or even beta, so, Justin, if you're the one who decides to take this on, feel free to ignore it for the time being :-)


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