well, as long as all the current active developers are in on it
), it would be my responsibility as team leader to be
sensitive to the needs and wants of the entire Dada community and
give Darcs a whirl - as I have no lasting feeling for CVS - it's cool
and all, and I have some fun sometimes, but it drinks too much
it never calls after we hang out
And that sucks
And - oh no wait -
that's this one girl
not CVS, but ironically, she has the same
Actually no that's just a lie too
There is no Claire
Veronica Slater
Anyways, yeah
Having a darcs tester/developer/evangelist, friend and
the host of the dadamail
org account push to use darcs gives me
enough trust that it would be a good move
Mark's a smart guy
And he
rides bikes
And think of the cross promotion! And I have to hold up
to my wild exuberant youthfulness of not being afraid of anything and
like - no! loving change!
If you listening, could you set up a darcs
whatchamacallit so I
can start playing around? I would like to have a space just to play
with some unrelated material
When I get comfortable, I'd like to
move over Dada Mail and perhaps some other custom Dada stuff that I
use for my consultation work - those two have to be, of course,
As to when we should move over to darcs and how to adjust the roadmap
- here's really my only situation:
As many of you know (or not), Dada Mail support is really a job of
mine - doing custom work, consultation and installations are my bread
and butter
Working for myself allows me to work whenever I want and
I've grown to accept the responsibility that even though I can take a
or a month off when I want, I'll still need to make up that
lost time to keep the program moving, keep excitement up, mind share
up, etc
With Shane on board and this list running where there was no
list before, we've got a little more of a community feel to the
development of the program, rather than me being the center of
everything, and it's been working out great - but I have to say Shane
is way beyond than just, "on the ball"
There hasn't been a "stable" release of Dada Mail for months, so that
has to happen very very soon
That has to happen very soon, because
it's what feeds me
So, we cannot move to darcs before 2
10 or I will
10 needs to be released in a very short amount of time from
One of the major reasons for 2
10 was to transition to a strategy of
using CVS branches to have a main development branch and basically, a
bug fix branch that we will then merge with the development branch to
produce the next stable release
Along the way, we'll release bug fix
releases off the bug fix branch in a much more timely manner than
what's happening now and have those bug fix releases not contain (m)
any new features
If darcs actually helps that with pretty much
getting rid of move/merge hell, than whoa
So, I propose we move to darcs shortly after 2
From experience, a
release of Dada Mail happens shortly after a large stable release, as
any unreported bug (which there WILL be) rears its ugly head and
needs to be put down very soon
Can we wait about 2 - 3 weeks after
the release of 2
10 for 2
1, etc to happen? I'll change the
roadmap to reflect that we'll continue to move in a linear fashion in
CVS until the Move to darcs
I'm glad there's a CVS2darcs utility and
yes, the Sourceforge folks would laugh at us asking for 75+ file moves
If darcs development is slightly different than this basically
standard way of using CVS branches, please let me know what to
expect :)
So, I've said enough, especially about my made-up Love life
Comments from all this appreciated
Start a new thread, email:
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