Maybe I'm misunderstanding your request for feedback in this message, but offering shot-in-the-dark suggestions /before/ we see a roadmap seems to hold a large potential for duplicated/wasted effort
Please send us a draft version of your roadmap first, so we can see if our ideas have already been thought of and scheduled by you or, for that matter, thought of and rejected (Giving us this starting point will also provide us a better idea of the breadth and depth of the areas you're asking us to consider/add to/remove/revise/question/applaud/critique/etc )
Again, apologies if I've misunderstood your meaning here
----- Original Message ----- From: "Dada Mail (Justin Simoni)"
-- snip -- I'm going to have a fairly large TO-DO list for the next official release, plus a sketchy idea on what's going to be in the next 2 or so version - a Roadmap, basically It's something I haven't given before, but with the interest in the project at the moment, it could help to move things along and get people who are interested in helping out to help out in their strengths;
If you have any ideas / roadblocks in the current code that you'd like to be cleared / undocumented bugs / etc - nows a really good time to let them be known -- /snip --
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