Note: your putting the message content within the iframe element is unnecessary Leaving it empty as follows:
works just as well and makes it not just an "appropriate"
solution, but an elegant one as well
It's put in there in case your browser does not have iframe support;
Which browser doesn't? Good question - probably PDA's and the ilk?
I personally don't like the iFrame idea
If the iFrame automatically
adjusted itself to the width of the page/div it's in and it adjusted
its height to the length of the message, it would be absolutely
but, it doesn't
I'm aware of some Javascript workarounds,
but I'm not sure how interested I am in those
Of course, if you also want to keep any style in the
, you
could go beyond that (and continue to "do as Yahoo!"), by: [a whole lot of
stuff ]
Yeah, that's probably a little too much to do for the next release -
I think I'm leaning towards doing the iFrame idea still, have the
option for not using the iFrame - a have this second choice be the
Justin Simoni
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