4 Aug 2005 09:25:02 -0000, Alfred Vink alfred@PROTECTED:
It all ends up as attachments over here
Yup same thing here but now that I look into the mail source, I received it as plain text (not HTML) you won't get inline images in plain text You need to do it in HTML, since there's no way for plain text to include anything but, well, plain text :-)
Juatin, have you checked what I wrote in http://mojo skazat com/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB cgi?board=sending;action=display;num=1117916594 ?
There's a clean patch (to 2 9 2) in http://baby com ar/dada-2 9 2_embedding patch
The idea behind that was (only in the "advanced send" mode), to have a
"different" kind of attachment (christened "embedding", but you can
name it as you please)
the difference is that for every "embedding"
I generate a Content-Id (that I put beside the file input field), that
can be used in an tag within the HTML part
I kept the "spirit" of the sourrounding code alright, alright, I admit it I just copied, pasted and edited a little of your code :-D
I have it working fine on an otherwise unmodified 2 9 2
Regretfully, I have no time right now to help you, I didn't even downloaded the CVS code maybe in a couple of weeks I'll be able to tack on this a little (I have to finish 1K things between today and tomorrow and then I'll be off-line for a week on holidays)
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