(1) Is a shortname limited to 8 characters, or to 16? "new_list_screen tmpl" is a bit confused on the topic
At the moment, it looks like it's set at 16 in the code - more
liberal than I want it, but let's stick to that;
You'll want to use, "post" when there's a lot of information being
past to the program again, like a huge list of email addresses, an
attached file - things like that
You'll want to use, "get" when you
want to see the query string after you submit the form, like in a
search; If there isn't either of these, if you want to add a, "get"
it would hurt :)
(3) The "congrats" screen has two conflicting suggestions on it
One is to go and encrypt your root password, and the other is to stay and set
up a new list I say these two suggestions "conflict" because new users
might be hesitant to close the page and encrypt the password first, if
they're concerned -- and reasonably so, considering how many cgi-built
pages work -- that the "set up a new list" option won't necessarily be there when
they return So will it?
If all they do is encrypt the password, the only thing that will be
different in that screen is the warning about the unencrypted
password will be gone
I'd rather not make encrypting the root
password mandatory, since it's an extra step that's slightly
complicated, but I also want to alert someone to the fact that there
is a security threat - however small, if they don't encrypt the
I say small, because no one but the correct people should
have access to see the underlying code of Dada Mail (in this case,
the Config
pm file) and these same people could potentially have the
ability the tweak this file - set a different root password - so even
if you're root password is encrypted, it doesn't do much good
Hopefully, the people I'm talking about are trustworthy :)
Justin Simoni
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