Having now completed the Twelve Feats of Skazat to become Dada Mail's latest developer, I've decided to get my feet wet in two (hopefully) modest ways
The first is by proofreading all the human-readable bits of individual files -- both the program's default HTML and email messages and the PODs -- as I happen upon them This is kind of schoolmarm-ish, but Justin doesn't seem to mind :-)
And the second is by doing a review of the program's CSS, fixing anything that needs fixing, and maybe adding a bit of functionality along the way
It's here where I could use your feedback:
(1) Are there any known bugs with the program's CSS right now? (My browser testing suite includes multiple versions of IE/Win, so I'd be happy to take a closer look at any IE-specific culprits that might still be out there )
(2) Are there any CSS customizations that you've made to your own implementations of the program and that you think would be useful to include in the next release for others?
Basically, I'm open to any & all bug reports, suggestions, ideas, and code snippets that you'd like to offer or propose, however big or small they might be
P S - I've reorganized "default_css css" so that it's as collaboration- and customization-friendly as I could make it If you'd like to dive in, you can grab the latest version of it off the CVS at: http://cvs sourceforge net/viewcvs py/mojomail/dada_mail_stable/dada/DADA/Template/templates/default_css css?view=log
Start a new thread, email: dadadev@dadamailproject.com
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