Dada Mail v4.9.0 Released

From: "Dada Mail Announcement List" <>
Date: December 7th 2011

Download and Install:

http://dadamailproject com/d/install_dada_mail pod html

What's New?

v4 9 0 has focused on two things: Bounce Handler and Mass Mailing Speed

Bounce Handler has been given a well-deserved focus of our attention to make it better than ever:

* Bounce message filtered has been updated and improved
* Per-list settings for scoring, threshold and "decay" rates
* Decay Rates! (how much a bounce score is lowered, for each mass mailing you send out, to keep good addresses out of your Bounce Scorecard)
* Amazon SES Support
* A new chapter in the Dada Mail Manual, devoted to the Bounce Handler
 If you have a Never-Ending Subscription to Pro Dada/Dada Mail Manual, read it right now: 


Mass Mailing has also been given a healthy dose of optimization, leading to some good speedups, while using less memory We dug deep:

* A new option to use a faster, up 10x faster (but 100% compatible with the old) templating engine
 Read more: 
* Amazon SES sending is now around 3x faster, thanks to our own brewed module to send messages with a persistent connection
* A nasty memory bug fixed, which was eating up memory and slowing down (or possibly *stopping*) mass mailings
* A ton of work, to squeeze out every bit of performance
 Here's some more details: 


Here's the complete changelog for v4 9 0:

http://dadamailproject com/d/changes_4_x pod html#4_9_0

Pro Dada Four Installed, Bounce Handler Included

Now, until January 1st, 2012 and to celebrate the new work done on the Bounce Handler, we're offering our Pro Installs with Bounce Handler, for only $100 ($50 less than the usual price w/Bounce Handler)

Start here to get a Pro Instal of Pro Dada:


Our installations come with a full year of included upgrades to your Pro Dada, as well as a Never Ending Subscription to the Dada Mail Manual

Have we Pro Installed for you? Request an Upgrade:


Pro Dada Four - Ever: $50

Pro Dada is the easiest way for you to support the Dada Mail Project A $50 purchase of Pro Dada gives you access to Pro Dada and the Dada Mail Manual for life! Pro Dada comes with no footer back to our support site and no quotas of mailing lists or subscriber sizes Did we mention it comes with the Pro Dada Manual? For Life? Well, that does indeed bear repeating

Purchase at:

http://dadamailproject com/purchase/pro html

Thanks for reading and have a happy, healthy, safe, and totally awesome Holiday Season!

Justin J Lead Dadaist http://dadamailproject com

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