RESTful Web Services API

RESTful Web Services API


Dada Mail's RESTful API is currently in the Experimental stage and may change in the future. We would love to hear your feedback on how we can make things work better for you:

The best way to do that, is to try it out!


Dada Mail's web services reveal some of the administrative features you'll find in Dada Mail's List Control Panel. Currently, there are services to allow you to verify subscriptions, subscribe addresses, as well as send mass mailings.

These services are authenticated using an HMAC-with-Public/Private Hashes scheme. Data sent is not encrypted, so we suggest always to connect to the web service with an SSL connection.

Example clients are currently available in Perl and php and allow you to access the services available remotely.

Public and Private Keys

Both the public and private keys for your mailing list can be accessed in the mailing list's control panel under,

Mailing List - Web Services API

You may also reset your keys. Doing so will invalidate any other key pairs for the mailing list you're currently working with.

Perl Client

The Perl Client is called, DadaMailWebService and is located at dada/extras/scripts/webservices/

You'll want to copy this module to the client side server you want to utilize the below API with.



    # Change this to path of the following module: 
    use lib qw(./); 
    use DadaMailWebService;

    use CGI qw(:standard);
    print header(); 
    print '<pre>'; 

    use Data::Dumper; 

    my $server      = ''; 
    my $list        = 'example';
    my $public_key  = 'QvDYfEfsyV2IsxITFFFQ2';                        
    my $private_key = 'oED89yPgN6DCAYPt6vAZ7YB5OKymHEANIjeE6fF6n';

    my $ws = DadaMailWebService->new(
    my $params = {  
            addresses => [
                email  => '',
                fields => {
                    favorite_color => "red", 
                profile => {
                    password => 'secret'

    # Validate Addresses for Subscription
    $results  = $ws->request(
    print Dumper($results); 

    # Subscribe Addresses: 
    $results  = $ws->request(
    print Dumper($results); 

    # UNSubscribe Addresses: 
    $results  = $ws->request(
    print Dumper($results); 

    $params = {
        subject => "My Subject!", 
        format  => "Text",
        message => "Here's my message!", 
        test    => 0
    # Send a Mass Mailing: 
    $results  = $ws->request(
    print Dumper($results); 

    # Get the List Settings: 
    $results  = $ws->request(
    ); # No params.
    print Dumper($results); 

    my $params = {  
        settings => {
                        'list_name' => 'New List Name',
                        'info'      => 'New List Description!'
    # Set List Settings: 
    $results  = $ws->request(
    print Dumper($results); 


Initialize a new DadaMailWebService object with the new method, which takes three arguments:

request($list, $service, $params)

The request method will make the request for the service you want, see the Synopsis above and web services description below on how to create the correct $params. Available services, for the second paramater are:

request returns the results of the request.

php Client

The php Client is called, DadaMailWebService.php and is located at dada/extras/scripts/webservices/DadaMailWebService.php.

You'll want to copy this file to the client side server you want to utilize the below API with.




        $server      = ''; 
        $list        = 'example';
        $public_key  = 'QvDYfEfsyV2IsxITFFFQ2';                        
        $private_key = 'oED89yPgN6DCAYPt6vAZ7YB5OKymHEANIjeE6fF6n';

        echo '<pre>'; 

        $ws = new DadaMailWebService(

        $params = [
            'addresses' => array(
                    'email'  => '',
                    'fields' => [
                        'favorite_color' => 'red', 

        // Validate Addresses for Subscription
        $results  = $ws->request(
        print_r($results) . "\n\n\n"; 

        // Subscribe Addresses: 
        $results  = $ws->request(
        print_r($results) . "\n\n\n"; 

        // UNSubscribe Addresses: 
        $results  = $ws->request(
        print_r($results) . "\n\n\n"; 

        $params = [
            'subject' => "My Subject!", 
            'format'  => "Text",
            'message' => "Here's my message!",
            'test'    => 0
        // Send a Mass Mailing: 
        $results  = $ws->request(
        print_r($results) . "\n\n\n"; 

        // Get the List Settings: 
        $results  = $ws->request(
        ); # No params.
        print_r($results) . "\n\n\n"; 

        $params = [
            'settings' => array(
                                'list_name' => 'New List Name',
                                'info'      => 'New List Description!'

        // Set List Settings: 
        $results  = $ws->request(
        print_r($results) . "\n\n\n"; 




Initialize a new DadaMailWebService object with the new method, which takes three arguments:

request($list, $service, $params)

The request method will make the request for the service you want, see the Synopsis above and web services description below on how to create the correct $params. Available services, for the second paramater are:

request returns the results of the request.


Below is a description and explaination of the current web service, to allow you to implement your own client.


Dada Mail's RESTful services can be accessed using the URL to the mail.cgi script, with the following PATH INFO:

The PATH INFO broken down:


Depending on the web service called, the payload is just HTTP POST variables.

All web services, except, settings for Dada Mail only support using the POST method. The paramaters in the Payload must be in alphabetical order, so that the digest created on both the client and server match.

settings has no paramaters to pass, so is send using GET. The nonce (explained below), still needes to be passed, but is don so, in a http header named, X-DADA-NONCE header.



validate_subscription takes a list of addresses (and associated metadata) and validates the subscription, but does not subscribe any of the addresses.

The following paramaters are required to be passed:

Returned will be a JSON document, returning your addresses, with a status, and a list of any errors found (if any). The above json, would return,

       "status" : 1,
       "results" : [
             "profile" : {
                "password" : "secret"
             "email" : "",
             "errors" : {},
             "fields" : {
                "first_name" : "John",
                "last_name" : "Smith"
             "status" : 1

status, when set to 1 tells you that the actual request is successful, and nothing incorrect was found (wrong public key, outdated request, incorrect hmac digest).

results holds the results of your validation. In this case, the address passed verification, and would be safe to subscribe. Let's say there's another profile field, favorite_color and that profile field was required.

When you call this service you would receive the following JSON doc back,

       "status" : 1,
       "results" : [
             "profile" : {
                "password" : "secret"
             "email" : "",
             "errors" : {
                "invalid_profile_fields" : {
                   "favorite_color" : {
                      "required" : 1
             "fields" : {
                "first_name" : "John",
                "last_name" : "Smith"
             "status" : 0

Errors returned back are the same for the following method:


subscription takes a list of addresses (and associated metadata) and subscribes the addresses passed. Validation is done beforehand, and only addresses that passed validation will be subscribed.

The following paramaters are required to be passed:

addresses - same as validate_subscription

nonce - same as validate_subscription

Returned will be a JSON doc,

       "status" : 1,
       "results" : {
          "skipped_addresses" : n,
          "subscribed_addresses" : nn

status again will be set to, 1 if the request itself was successful (0, otherwise). results will hold two paramaters:

subscribed_addresses will return the number of addresses subscribed.

skipped_addresses will return the number of addresses that were not subscribed.

This service does not tell you why an address was not subscribed, so it's highly suggested you validate the subscription, beforehand.


unsubscription takes a list of addresses (no metadata need be added) and removes the addresses passed. Validation is done beforehand, and only addresses that passed validation will be unsubscribed.

The following paramaters are required to be passed:

addresses - same as validate_subscription, except only the, email paramater is required, like this:

          "email" : "",
          "email" : "",
          "email" : "",

nonce - same as validate_subscription

Returned will be a JSON doc,

       "status" : 1,
       "results" : {
          "skipped_addresses" : n,
          "unsubscribed_addresses" : nn

status again will be set to, 1 if the request itself was successful (0, otherwise). results will hold two paramaters:

unsubscribed_addresses will return the number of addresses removed.

skipped_addresses will return the number of addresses that were not subscribed.

This service does not tell you why an address was not unsubscribed.


settings returns the mailing list settings (list, list_name, info, etc). No paramaters need to be passed, and unlike the other services presented here, you'll need to make the request via GET and put the nonce in the, X-DADA-NONCE header.

Returned will be a JSON doc,

       "status" : 1,
       "results" : {
           "settings" : {
              "list" :'listshortname',
              "list_name" : 'My list's name'
              etc, etc,  

status again will be set to, 1 if the request itself was successful (0, otherwise).

settings - a key/value list of all settings for this mailing list.


update_settings allows you to update your mailing list settings. The following paramaters are required to be passed:

settings - a key/value hash of the settings you would like to change. This data is passed as a JSON encoded string:

       "list_name" : "my list name ",
       "list" : "list"

Returned will be a JSON doc,

       "status" : 1,
       "results" : {
            "saved" : 1

nonce - same as validate_subscription


This service is a proof of concept, and only provides a very simple mass mailing service

mass_email sends out a mass email to your Subscription List.

The following paramaters are required to be passed:

subject - The subject of your message

format - The format of your message; either text or HTML

message - Your message.

test - can be set to either 1 or, 0. If set to 1, the message you send out will only be set to the List Owner, rather than the entire mailing list.

Returned will be a JSON doc:

       "status" : 1,
       "results" : {
          "message_id" : n,

status again will be set to, 1 if the request itself was successful (0, otherwise). results will hold just one paramater:

message_id is the message id associated with this particular mass mailing.

Debugging Problems

The actual underlying module for Dada Mail's web services, DADA::App::WebServices, may have debugging turned on. This also will return additional debugging information to the client itslf, including sensitive information (like the private key!).

This debugging may be turned on from within the installer. See:

You'll want to check the option for, DADA::App::WebServices.

Make the Authorization header available

For POST requests, the client will send the required digest in the, Authorizaton header. If this header is not available (and you're running Apache), try adding the following line to your .htaccess file,

        SetEnvIf Authorization .+ HTTP_AUTHORIZATION=$0

This line already exists in the .htaccess file location in the dada directory, although it's commented out. Just remove the first, # character to uncomment it.

Dada Mail Project


